Mood response Introduction

Mood response is a term I invented, basically, I have noticed that people treat others and respond to others based on their current moods I think this tells a lot about the person and most of the people are like that what differentiate others from a "Mood responder" to a let's say a leader, is that a true leader will be able to put his mood aside from the responses he emits to the people around him this is a really strong skill to have to be able to separate your mood from your responses. Let me give you an example,

Example 1: Here I will demonstrate an example with a cashier having a bad mood with a customer this also falls for the customer too.
Cashier: Hey how can I help?

Customer: where is the electronic appliances area

Cashier: Can't you see it it's in front of you!

Customer: Oh OK thank you.
In the example above the cashier is having a bad day, as you can see his/her response was kind of rude and aggressive I am not a psychologist or any of that I am just someone who is pursuing computer engineering with a passion for cyber security, there are multiple factors that affect her responding like that but I think it's all related to some ones' mood if she was having a good day she could have responded with a polite and friendly phrase. this also applies to the customer the above is just an example. Now I will give an example of someone who is having a good mood.

Example 2 (Positive response): 

Cashier: Hey how can I help?

Customer: where is the electronic appliances area

Cashier: Hope you are having a great day, if you go straight then left you will find it, let me know if you have any other inquires.

Customer: thank you so much.
As you can see in the example above the cashier is having a great day ( please note these are just examples ) and the cashier responded with a very positive and polite response, his response before was negative maybe because of his/her boss but now his/her response is positive because he/she might got his/her salary.
So you get the idea, now what makes someone different which I think it's very rare to find this trait or skill in people is someone who manages to respond without depending on his mood positively. I think people who manage to do that have high self-control. Let me give another example to showcase that.
In this example, you will see a cashier that is mad and angry from his boss however he manages to separate his mood from his responses towards people.

Example 3 (Mood leader):

Cashier: Hey how can I help?

Customer: where is the electronic appliances area

Cashier: Hope you are having a great day, if you go straight then left you will find it, let me know if you have any other inquires.

Customer: thank you so much.
As you can see this someone is a mood leader this term is invented by me which is basically someone who can separate his mood from his/her responses towards people, as you can see even though the cashier is having a bad mood because of his boss he was able to separate his/her mood response from his/her reply. the reason I am writing this article is that a high percentage of people can't do or manage that, only distinguished leaders or someone who has full self-control because if you do have full self-control you will notice this trait and start separating your mood from your responses, This really leaves me questioning a lot of things when I get responses from people and just because they get a raise they are happy and respond to me differently this highly annoys me because you always need to respond to others positively everybody has a different story, everybody has a different day/night, you can't just respond to people based on the way your day is going like that you are spreading negativity and multiple other things. This is not the way it is people need to be more self-aware because this is really bad, like why do you respond to someone with a negative response, and the second day because you got your monthly wage you are treating him like a king. This is life it has its ups and downs you can't rely on objects to behave, so if you think about it everything is a blessing around you that's the way life works so emitting negativity because of objects or materials around you is not the right way, I think to be a mood leader you need to practice gratitude. That was just my two cents I really hope I can help someone and make a positive impact, I can talk about this for hours and days. but yeah.

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